Микроскоп Bresser Junior 40-1024x с калъф
Микроскоп Bresser Junior 40-1024x с калъф

Микроскоп Bresser Junior, 40x-1280x оптично увеличение, светодиоднo осветление

id 177627 Код: FBINBRESSER26754
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ОписаниеХарактеристикиРевюта / Въпроси
More than a classic microscope. It has a robust finish, a case for easy transportation, is versatile and can be connected to your PC.

Equipped with the Bresser Junior Microscope, young scientists can turn small samples into large discoveries. Thanks to the zoom function, which has a 40–1024x magnification, all types of microscopy are available to young researchers.

Transmitted light microscopy:
For the observation of cell structures, onion skin in addition to a corresponding high magnification in the first instance wafer-thin samples are required, so that the light can shine through. But don't worry, for the beginning there are already some permanent preparations included in the set and additionally the necessary accessories to prepare further ones by yourself.

The included Smartphone adapter, allows you to save pictures and videos on your smartphone or share them with friends and family.


Standard eyepiece(s): 2 Widefield eyepieces (WF-10x and WF-16x)
Standard objectives: 4x, 10x, 40x
Magnifaction: 40x–1024x
Illumination: bright LED-light for transmitted and incident light microscopy
Accessories: lot of extras for an immidiate start in the microscopy


Материал на оптиката
оптично стъкло

Увеличение, x

WF10x, WF16x, видеоокуляр

4x, 10x, 40x


Фоново осветление

Изисквания към системата
операционна система Windows XP/Vista/7 (32 и 64 бит); 1,6 GHz или повече, 1 GB RAM, харддиск 4 GB, USB 2.0, CD/DVD-ROM

Потребителско ниво

училищни изследвания

Цифрова камера в комплекта

Включена торбичка/чанта

Леща на Барлоу

Виж още Бинокли и оптика Bresser
Виж всички Бинокли и оптика в категорията
Технически характеристики
Тип:  Микроскоп
Оптично увеличение:  1280x
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Микроскоп Bresser Junior 40-1024x с калъф
Микроскоп Bresser Junior, 40x-1280x оптично увеличение, светодиоднo осветление
307.92 лв
Микроскоп Bresser Junior 40-1024x с калъф
  • Микроскоп Bresser Junior 40-1024x с калъф