GoPro ADFLT-001
GoPro ADFLT-001GoPro ADFLT-001GoPro ADFLT-001
ОписаниеХарактеристикиРевюта / ВъпросиВземи на изплащане
This easy-to-spot accessory keeps your HERO9 Black afloat1 and adds protective padding. The wraparound design allows access to your camera buttons, touch screen and folding fingers for easy mounting. Great for snorkeling, surfing, wakeboarding and more, Floaty also includes a tether point for added security.

Easy-to-spot accessory keeps HERO9 Black afloat1
Great for snorkeling, surfing, wakeboarding or other water activities
Wraparound design gives you access to the buttons, touch screen and folding fingers for easy mounting
Cushioned padding adds protection
Includes a tether point for added security in extreme conditions

1Floaty will not support the additional weight of GoPro accessories.

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    Технически характеристики

    Тип:  Калъф
    Съвместимост:  GoPro
    Особеност:  Водоустойчив

    Добави Ревю / Въпрос

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    Вземи на изплащане

    BNP Paribas
    BNP Paribas
    TBI logo

    Свързани продукти и тагове:

    GoPro ADFLT-001
    • GoPro ADFLT-001
    • GoPro ADFLT-001
    • GoPro ADFLT-001