fractal design hard drive cage kit type b
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Hard Drive Cage Kit – Type B

Increase the storage capacity of your Define 7 or Meshify 2 Series case with a drive cage upgrade kit.

- Mounts to available hard drive cage positions and/or 120 mm fan slots (105 x 105 mm)
- Designed for use in Define 7 or Meshify 2 and other select Fractal cases
- Holds up to two Fractal Design Type-B 3.5”/2.5” drive trays (sold separately)


3.5” / 2.5” drive tray positions: 2
Package dimensions: 146 x 127 x 83 mm
Unit dimensions: 146.39 x 127 x 83.19 mm
Sheet thickness: 0.7 mm
Net weight: 258 g

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    fractal design hard drive cage kit type b
    Клетка type B за твърди дискове Fractal Design, съвместима с кутии Define 7 или Meshify 2 Series
    26.76 лв
    fractal design hard drive cage kit type b
    • fractal design hard drive cage kit type b
    • fractal design hard drive cage kit type b
    • fractal design hard drive cage kit type b
    • fractal design hard drive cage kit type b
    • fractal design hard drive cage kit type b