Chipset HD 4870
process (Die size) 0,055 µ
transistor count 956 Mio
memory options 1GB
Core frequency 750
Memory frequency (eff.) 900(3.6Gbps)
Unified shader pipelines 800
Memory Bus (bit) 256
memory type GDDR5
data bus PCI Express x16
peak memory bandwidth (GB/sec) 115.20
standard cooling Active
standard slot solution Dual
external power need yes, 6pin+6pin
Pixel Shader version 4.1
DirectX DX10.1 SM4.1
OpenGL 2.0
Memory Optimization Hyper Z HD
Full Screen Anti-Aliasing Smoothvision HD + Adaptive AA
HDR(10:10:10:2) 16-bit integer or floating point
TruForm Truform 2.0
Adaptive De-Interlace Video Shader HD
Video acceleration MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DivX, WMV9, VC-1, and H.264
HDTV compatibility(YPbPr) yes
HDMI compliance /HDCP ready HDMI 1.3 /yes
HDMI modes (over DVI) 480p, 720p, 1080i, 1080p
Dual-Link capabilities 2
native display support 10-bit
3D Graphics Resolution 2560x1600
TV Out resolution 1024x768, 1080i
Виж още Видео карти Sapphire
Виж всички Видео карти в категорията
process (Die size) 0,055 µ
transistor count 956 Mio
memory options 1GB
Core frequency 750
Memory frequency (eff.) 900(3.6Gbps)
Unified shader pipelines 800
Memory Bus (bit) 256
memory type GDDR5
data bus PCI Express x16
peak memory bandwidth (GB/sec) 115.20
standard cooling Active
standard slot solution Dual
external power need yes, 6pin+6pin
Pixel Shader version 4.1
DirectX DX10.1 SM4.1
OpenGL 2.0
Memory Optimization Hyper Z HD
Full Screen Anti-Aliasing Smoothvision HD + Adaptive AA
HDR(10:10:10:2) 16-bit integer or floating point
TruForm Truform 2.0
Adaptive De-Interlace Video Shader HD
Video acceleration MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DivX, WMV9, VC-1, and H.264
HDTV compatibility(YPbPr) yes
HDMI compliance /HDCP ready HDMI 1.3 /yes
HDMI modes (over DVI) 480p, 720p, 1080i, 1080p
Dual-Link capabilities 2
native display support 10-bit
3D Graphics Resolution 2560x1600
TV Out resolution 1024x768, 1080i
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Виж още Видео карти Sapphire
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